Saturday, January 12, 2008

first. ..

This is a second week of new year 2008 B.C. I think last year is very fast. I had a ong vacation, but I didn't back home. On my vacation, I went to Hua-Hin with my sister and her friends. We drove to there. It was a great time for me. Unless this year I counted down on the beach. When we arrived to Hua-Hin we hurried up to go to the beach. Of course, we played the sea, and took a lots of photo. At night, we'd dinner. We ate seafoods. While we ate, another played firecrackers it was very beautiful. I got up early in the morning. Because I wanted to see the sun rises. The weather was very cold. Someone rode the horse. I wanted to ride too, but I was afriad.^^ The air in the morning was fresh. Then, we went around Hua-Hin. At night, we had mini-party inside the room. When the time told us it was 11.55p.m. we prepared to countdown. I'm very happy in my new year.

For this week, it's a good time too. Because I met my friends again after holiday. We shared about our vacation. We talked and laughed together. On Monday, Kaow , Ice and I went to Yaowarad. We went to there when we studied English1 for law finished. We went to there by bus. And, we dropped at Hua-Lum-Pong Station (railway station). We took a lots of photo at there. Then, we signed our name for mouring The elder sister of The King. Next, we walked to Yaowarad. It was so far. I walked..walked and walked. But, we walked with happy. We bought the dolls. I got 2 bears. I loved it. After that, we walked on alleys. Until, we fely tried. And, we went to university by underground train. When we arrived we were hungry and tried. We bought the noodles, and ate at Kaow's dormitory. After eating we felt sleepy, but I can't sleep because Ice and I had to go to study The Principles of Legal Profession. So ried but happy. ^^

Yesterday I went to Pattaya. I went to there with my friends. There were Ten, Pick, Leng and Nut. We went to there because we wanted to meet my friend. She is going to study abroad. First, she called for a meeting at ABAC. But she can't come by a date because she went to Pattaya My friends and I made decision to see her. Ten was a driver. We left from Huamark at 4.30 p.m. We arrived to there at 8 p.m because the traffic jam. When we arrived and met my friend ( Ploy) we went straight to restaurant. We ate seafood. The attitute of restaurant was very nice. The classic songs was very melody. We left from Pattaya at midnight. The return trip, we chose pass Bangsan. The sea at night at Bangsan was very different the sea at Phuket. At Bangsan, I can't see anything there wasn't any moonlit and starlights.

I was sad when I knew that Ploy'll go to abroad. But, in my sense I know she go for the best. I'll bless her and wish her success. She is my best friend. Many times that Ploy and I travel together. She always takes care me. And, I take care her too.