Saturday, January 19, 2008


I watched my favourite movie again in this week. Because I had to present in my english class. My favourite movie is LOVE ACTUALLY, but I couldn't present well. I had an assignment in Sci,man. Term project, we searched about pollution. We have to go to the location.
On Friday, I went out with my friends. We met and drank. My friend is going to study back in India. And, I went to airport for send him. When he told me goodbye I was sad. So long times that we never met then we met again. And, today and tomorrow .. . I'll never see him. He is a best friend. He understands me everythings. His mother cried when he back. Me too. T_T
Yesterday I met a lot of old friends that I never met for a long time. I was happy. They change their style from the past. I thought if I saw them by myself, maybe I can't remember them. haha
Due a month that my grandfather died. A few day ago, I had dream to my grandpa. He told that he still love and miss me. I told that I love and miss you too. He smiles a lot in my dream. I reallu miss him, my lovely grandfather.
My aunt went back to America. She wanted to bring my grandmother to go with her, but my grandmom didn't go to American in this time. So, she is going to Chaing mai. She went to there with her friends for 1 week.
I wanted to go to countryside. My feelings are very upset, nervous and worried. I don't know what is the cause? I like to go to round and round. Sit and look the nature without idea without the nervous. It can make me good.
I miss home,, miss my parents. I feel lonely. I like to listen the sad songs, and they can make me sad more. Hurrrr!!!!

The memories are still beautiful for me. Everythings are clear in my feeling. I always look back to the past. Sometimes, it makes me happy and encourage me to do everythings. Oftens, it makes me sad because when the pictures of my imagine go around I think of my friends. Reverse to 6 years ago. I fell in love with someone. He was my best friend. And, he knew that I loved him. He always helped and stood by my side. This love was strat from impression and long time, the relationship still the same, but my feeling was change I loved him.
I want he know that wherever he is and someday that the wind blows around yourself, it means I miss you. I pray to them, please hold you. Still 3 more years, we'll met again. It's so long time, but I can waiting for you... .forever.

Miss.. .miss