Thursday, December 13, 2007


It's near to my brother's birthday. It maybe good if he still be here. My brother died for 2 years ago. I'm always think of him, and dream to him. In this month last 2 years, we went to Chiang-Mai together. We went to there is the last time that we had travel together. My brother died because he was cancer. Before he died, he talked with me everyday. He is the son of my uncle, but we were very close. I'm very sad when he apart from us. Then, my lovely grandfather died in last month. My family is the close family. When someone is sick or has somethinh wrong, we'll help immediately. Now, I miss my brother and grandfather very much. Granddad told grandmom that in next year he'll set up the wedding again in order to show the descendants. My grandmother told us with her tears. My grandfather wanted to see me take the bachelor 's degree. And, granddad said to me that he wanted to go to Chokchai Farm agian. My father, mother ,sister and I used to bring granddad and grandmom to there, and he liked there. I love him so much, my lovely grandfather.

Today, my best friend comes to Thailand. And tomorrow we have a date. She'll come to ABAC. She is my best friend. So long times that I and my friend never see. She studied at Malaysia. I miss her so much.

It's nearly to mid-term test. I have 2 subject that is Science, man and His environment and English for law1. I worried about Sci, man too much because it's difficult for me. I don't like science and maths. However, I must try to do.

On New Year Festival I have a plan to count down with my friend. I wanted to go afar. Because I like the peace. If be possible, I wanted to count down at the beach with my best friends. It maybe romantic ^^ Last year, I set up the party at my house. My friends came to my house and counted down together. I miss last year. I hope this year will happy more than last year.