Sunday, January 27, 2008

Freedom of speech in Thailand

The communication is important. Everyone is necessary to use its all their whole life. Nowadays, speeches are many ways; internet, news, television media etc. Because the civilization is coming to the world, and the freedom that support the human to use their rights. And, Thailand has the freedom to use the speech too. Thailand accept the high technologies more than past, it makes everythings are easiler.
The present has the prosperously communication it causes of media and the method to sent the news to people can do in severals. For example the media of radio, the media of television, internet etc. First, I talk about the media of radio and television. This media is very popular because all of people have radio or television in their house. The media has the freedom to spread the advertising. But all this depends on the trust and the right. Although, the advertising from radio and television are benefits to people but it has the defects too.
Second, the internet. Internet is the most important media in this time. Because you can search the data from internet, you can talk with your friends all over the world by internet... Nowadays, the world is opened. High technology is benefit to people, but some people use this benefit to destroy the society.
Newspaper is popular in Thailand too. With the low price and severals data. Thais like to read the newspaper. The newspaper writers have to give the true data for people.
In Thailand has the freedom of speech. It depends on the right and get the true for the consumers. And, have many ways to spread your demands. Because the world is civilization. Everyone give the rights for your ideas. And, you should to respect the human rights of other too.