Saturday, June 21, 2008


After the camp, we had starting to practice boom like last year that I was a freshmen. But this time I was a staff. I teached the freshmen to sing a song. And this time, we had sign the notebook (we called " sa mood sai sam phan") After the camp, we signed the notebook about the feeling while in the camp, and for the good relationship.
This semester I have 4 days for study Monday to Thursday. Friday to Sunday is my freetime. I used to read a book. It is a romantic novel. Its name is The smell of an unidentified flower in Indra's graden ( Krin Parichad) It is about love. The love is not divisible. It's not tripatite, but it's more than tripatitie. Every world all of persons have to relate together. Finally, the woman has to decide that she'll choose what way.
From Buddhism has a belief that the persons who die and gone to the heaven. Every meories were lost. And if who smell the unidentified flower in Indra's garden will remember the past or we call recall a former existence. The unidentified flower in Indra's garden is a flower in mythology.


Jasper said...

What song did you teach them. Please tell me a bit more Kunita.
3 deadlines missed. Points will be deducted.